
Caleb Bland Law, PLLC

Reviewing and Updating Your Will

If you’ve already written a will, you may be surprised to hear that you’re in the minority of Americans. According to a Gallup poll taken in 2021, only 46% of adults currently have a will in place.
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Caleb Bland Law, PLLC

Second Marriage and Estate Planning

According to the most recent statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau, among individuals 15 years and older, about 13% of males and 14% of females have married twice. After a major life change, such as remarriage, it is important that you review and update your will and other estate planning documents.
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Caleb Bland Law, PLLC

I’ve Been Appointed Executor of an Estate

When a person dies, probate and estate administration are often required to settle the decedent's estate, finances, and final affairs. An executor or administrator is usually appointed to handle the estate administration process, which includes gathering assets, paying taxes and debts, and distributing assets to inheritors.
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Caleb Bland Law, PLLC

FAQs: What Needs to Be Done When Someone Dies

The loss of a loved one, especially if it is unexpected, can be truly traumatic, but as with everything in life, there are both personal and practical considerations to be made if a death occurs. Dealing with the personal side hinges on one’s own beliefs and family ties, but on the practical side, state and local laws and procedures need to be observed.
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Caleb Bland Law, PLLC

Dispelling Estate Planning Myths

Estate planning is an essential step that everyone should take. It is the process of arranging the distribution of your assets and properties in the event of your death or incapacitation. Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions about estate planning that can mislead people and make them less likely to create an estate plan.
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Caleb Bland Law, PLLC

Common Estate Disputes

Estate disputes commonly arise when the deceased’s assets are distributed according to the terms of a will or trust, or when family members argue over the validity of the document itself. Unfortunately, these disputes can be time-consuming, emotionally-wrenching, costly, and can even lead to permanent estrangement among family members.
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Caleb Bland Law, PLLC

Will I Be Taxed on My Personal Injury Settlement?

Achieving a successful outcome in a personal injury claim is a significant milestone. But once the damages are awarded and paid, personal injury victims must navigate taxation issues. These considerations include federal taxes calculated by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the State of Kentucky.
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Caleb Bland Law, PLLC

Avoid Posting on Social Media After Your Accident

In Kentucky, accidents on the road—or anywhere else—are an unfortunate fact of life. In fact, the total number of car crashes in the state increased from around 119,000 in 2020 to 131,000 in 2021, according to the Kentucky Transportation Center.
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Caleb Bland Law, PLLC

Pre-Existing Medical Conditions’ Effect on an Injury Claim

In Kentucky, accident and personal injury victims are often eligible to pursue fair financial compensation for their injuries through a claim or lawsuit. However, an injured person with an underlying medical issue may face different challenges when seeking damages after an accident. An experienced Kentucky personal injury attorney can enlighten you about the possible impacts your pre-existing health condition can have on your injury claims.
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